For many women one of the biggest questions they ask of themselves is how do I have a successful career and also have time with my family? The possibility of staying fit doesn’t even come into the equation. I count myself as very fortunate to be able to train some very impressive women. Women who have earned their places as business leaders in a time when it was still very much a man’s world. They have gone on to have a flourishing career, a happy family and stay in peak health themselves. So what has been the secret to their success in appearing to have it all? 

Put Yourself First

Imagine you’re on a plane flying with one of your young children to your favourite holiday destination. Then all of a sudden the plane catches on fire and the cabin starts to fill with smoke. The gas masks drop down. What do you do? If you said put the gas masks on your child first, you are both going to pass out from smoke inhalation. If you said you put the mask on yourself first then your child and you both survive. 

You must approach your health the same way. In order to be the best for your family and your business you need to be putting yourself first. So that everyone is getting the best from you. For many of my clients, the couple of hours they spend with me a week is the only time they take to do this. Bearing this in mind I make sure each and every session has them finishing it feeling better then they did when they started. Many of them say if I didn’t have this appointment with you there is no way I would have found time to train this week. Even the ones who train once a week with me only have experienced great outcomes not only for their health but also for their careers and relationships. 

How do Your Start? 

Studies have shown that those who are able to sustainably manage their health and fitness share 3 common traits. 

They have fewer habits to change 

Too often people try and reinvent the wheel when it comes to health. They go for extremes. They intend on getting more sleep, exercising more, drinking less alcohol and changing their diet all at the one time. Those that are most successful create a goal around changing just one habit at a time. As you read this book my advice for you is to focus on changing just one thing at a time. 

They keep a record of their progress 

With advances in technology, devices like fitbits and smartphones, it has become easier to manage and measure your health behaviour. Although stepping on the scales doesn’t give you the full picture of your health, studies have shown that simply measuring your weight on a regular basis you are more likely to make better health choices and achieve a healthier body weight. The McKinsey Maxim, named after the consultancy firm is based on the premise that ‘you can’t manage what you don’t measure’. 

They have accountability 

Even if you are a world-class athlete it pays to have someone in your corner. Enlist the help of a friend, join a sporting team or hire the help of a health professional. Have someone in your corner who has your best interests at heart. I might be a bit biased but personal trainers have long been proven to be a very effective at helping people stay fit and healthy. Statistics show that out of all exercisers, ‘only 25% get the results they are looking for. Out of those people who do get results, 90% used a Personal Trainer (IHRSA 2002)’.