How to Maximise Employee Wellbeing in the Age of AI: The Importance of Human Centric Design

#ai #employeewellbeing #humandesign #wellbeingindex Apr 26, 2023
Three wooden pegs grouped together next to wooden blocks spelling out 'vs' and 'ai' in front of a light blue background

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we work, bringing a new level of efficiency, accuracy, and productivity to businesses across all industries. However, the rise of AI also poses some challenges for employers, such as concerns around privacy and job displacement.  

  • Telsyte’s Australian Digital Consumer Study found 35% of workers anticipate their roles could be performed by machines, AI, or robots in the future. 
  • A report by KPMG and The University of Queensland, shows that only 43% of Australians believe their employers have practices in place to support the responsible use of AI, with 61% wary of AI systems. 
  • The World Economic Forum found that AI could create 97 million new jobs by 2025, while also eliminating 85 million jobs. 

As organisations continue to implement AI-powered technologies, it's essential to prioritise human centric design to maximise employee wellbeing. Research has shown that incorporating human centric design into the workplace can lead to happier, healthier, and more engaged employees, ultimately improving overall business performance.  

What is Human Centric Design? 

Human centric design is a process of creating products, services, and environments that are centered around the needs and experiences of people. In the workplace, human design involves designing a workspace that supports employees' physical and emotional needs, as well as their work goals and objectives.  

Human centric design takes into account factors such as ergonomics, lighting, air quality, noise levels, and access to nature, as well as the social and cultural context of the workplace. It also considers the role of technology in the workplace and how it can be used to enhance, rather than replace, the human experience. 

Why Human Centric Design is Important in an AI-Powered Workplace 

As AI becomes more prevalent in the workplace, it's critical to ensure that employees are not left feeling isolated or undervalued. Human centric design can help mitigate these concerns by ensuring that employees remain at the center of the workplace experience. 

Additionally, investing in human design can help businesses attract and retain top talent, as employees are increasingly looking for workplaces that prioritise their health, wellbeing, and overall experience.  

The Gartner survey revealed the benefits of employees operating in human-centric work models, finding: 

  • Employees were 3.2x more likely to stay in their job  
  • Employees were 3.1x more likely to experience low levels of fatigue  

Employee Wellbeing and AI 

AI may be the future, but employee wellbeing will always be a human need. 

Businesses need to prioritise human-centered employee wellbeing programs that focus on the needs, values, and experiences of their employees. Here are some reasons why this is important: 

  1. Trust and credibility: In order for employees to trust and use AI-powered wellbeing tools, they need to feel confident that their data is being used ethically and transparently, and that their personal preferences and values are being respected. By prioritising human-centered design, businesses can build trust and credibility with their employees, helping to ensure that AI-powered wellbeing tools are adopted and used effectively. 
  1. Employee autonomy and agency: While AI can provide valuable insights and recommendations for improving employees' health and wellbeing, it's important for employees to retain a sense of autonomy and agency in the process. Human-centered wellbeing programs should provide employees with the tools and resources they need to make informed decisions about their own health, rather than relying solely on AI recommendations. 
  1. Emotional and social support: While AI can provide support for employees' physical health, it may not always be able to meet their emotional or social needs. Human-centered wellbeing programs should prioritise emotional and social support, such as access to mental health resources, opportunities for social connection and community building, and support for work-life balance. 
  1. Diversity and inclusion: AI algorithms are only as effective as the data they are trained on, and if that data is biased or incomplete, it can lead to inaccurate or unfair recommendations. By prioritising human-centered design, businesses can ensure that their wellbeing programs are inclusive of diverse employee populations, accounting for differences in age, gender, race, ethnicity, ability, and other factors. 
  1. Purpose and meaning: Human-centered wellbeing programs should be designed with a sense of purpose and meaning, helping employees to connect their personal values and goals with the work they do. By creating a sense of purpose and meaning in the workplace, businesses can help employees to feel more engaged, motivated, and fulfilled, leading to improved health, wellbeing, and performance.  

Better Being believes in the power of combining technology with human-centered design to create effective and engaging corporate wellbeing programs. Our innovative tech-powered solutions such as the Wellbeing Index, are designed to provide customised, data-driven insights that assist organisations and their employees in making informed decisions about their wellbeing.  

Our wellbeing programs are then focused on the human experience, prioritising connection between people through three key features: 

  • 1:1 health consults: Each employee is assigned their own coach to create a unique health plan.  
  • Workshops:  Our workshops drive connection through interactive and meaningful content, providing individuals with the tools they need to improve their wellbeing. 
  • Group exercise classes: These classes are designed to create team cohesion and connection. 


Ready to implement a wellbeing program with tangible benefits for everyone involved? Check out our online program. 

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