As we approach Global Community Engagement Day on January 28th, the significance of fostering a sense of community within the workplace becomes increasingly apparent. Learning how to cultivate a sense of belonging and interconnectedness within the workplace can lead to not only happier but also more productive and engaged employees. 

What is Global Community Engagement Day? 

Global Community Engagement Day recognises the significance of community engagement across the world. It serves as a catalyst for organisations, communities, and individuals to come together in fostering connections, sharing experiences, and contributing to the greater good. This day emphasises the transformative power of community engagement in enhancing social bonds and creating positive change. 

The Human Connection: A Pillar of Employee Wellbeing 

One of the challenges faced by leaders and managers is finding ways to create genuine connections among employees. A study published on the association of workplace culture and employee wellbeing found that employees who feel a strong sense of community at work are not only more engaged but also exhibit higher levels of job satisfaction and overall wellbeing. This reinforces the idea that community engagement is not merely a feel-good initiative but a strategic imperative for enhancing the overall health and happiness of your workforce.  

The PERMA+4 Model: A Blueprint for Comprehensive Wellbeing 

In the pursuit of employee wellbeing, Martin Seligman’s PERMA+4 model provides a holistic framework. This positive psychology model encapsulates Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment, Health, Positive Relationships, Engagement at Work, Positive Health, and Positive Time Use. Particularly, the element of ‘Engagement at Work’ and ‘Meaning’ aligns seamlessly with the essence of community engagement. When employees are actively involved in a community within the workplace, it contributes significantly to their sense of engagement, fostering a positive and supportive environment. 

Our workplace wellbeing programs at Better Being are based on the PERMA+4 model to encourage positive behaviour change, with a focus on Engagement and Meaning to foster connections between employees through our expert-led workshops and group-centric activations such as community led events.  Read more about the role of positive psychology in workplace wellbeing here.  

The Ripple Effect: The Broader Impact of Community Engagement 

Community engagement transcends the boundaries of the office, influencing various aspects of an employee’s life. 

Community Engagement and Mental Health 

Mental health is a critical aspect of overall employee wellbeing, and community engagement plays a pivotal role in supporting mental health. Research suggests that employees actively participating in workplace communities tend to experience lower levels of stress and anxiety. This, in turn, has a positive ripple effect on absenteeism and employee retention rates. 

Building a Resilient Workforce 

In the ever-evolving workplace landscape, the ability to adapt and persevere is paramount. A recent survey conducted by Gallup found that organisations with highly engaged employees are 21% more profitable. Community engagement acts as a buffer against the challenges employees face, fostering resilience and adaptability.  

Getting Involved: How to Implement Effective Community Engagement 

As Global Community Engagement Day approaches, workplaces can seize the opportunity to actively participate and enhance the sense of community within their teams. Encouraging volunteerism is an impactful way to engage with the broader community, fostering a sense of purpose among team members. Hosting virtual events or webinars that focus on mental health, work-life balance, or personal development allows employees to connect on a deeper level, even in remote settings. Additionally, showcasing and celebrating employee contributions to community service projects can inspire others to get involved. By aligning these initiatives with the spirit of Global Community Engagement Day, workplaces can actively contribute to the global movement while nurturing a culture of wellbeing and connectedness within their own walls.