5 Key Reasons to Integrate Wellbeing into Your EVP #corporatewellbeing #employeewellbeing #mentalhealth Jan 09, 2024

The importance of a robust Employee Value Proposition (EVP) cannot be overstated. It's not just about attractive salaries and career growth opportunities anymore; wellbeing has emerged as a pivotal element of a compelling EVP. Here are five reasons why wellbeing should be part of your EVP. ...

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The Role of Mental Fitness in Corporate Wellbeing #corporatewellbeing #mentalhealth Sep 28, 2023

In the fast-paced world of modern business, where stress and burnout can feel like unavoidable side effects of success, ensuring the mental fitness of your workforce is paramount. But what is mental fitness and what role does it play in corporate wellbeing?   


What is Mental...

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Beyond R U OK? Day: Fostering Lasting Workplace Mental Health #employeewellbeing #mentalhealth #ruokday Aug 28, 2023

R U OK? Day is as a crucial annual reminder of the importance of checking in with our colleagues and loved ones about their mental health. In the workplace alone, poor mental health costs the Australian economy over $70 billion each year. This cost will not improve by acknowledging R U OK? Day...

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Men's Health is at a Tipping Point: Five Things Men Can do Right Now #exercise #menshealth #mentalhealth #wellbeing Jun 13, 2023

Men's health in Australia is teetering on the edge of a crisis. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 75% of those who take their own life are men. Males are also 20% more likely to be overweight or obese compared to females and mortality rates from coronary heart disease and...

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How to Beat the ‘January Blues’ #januaryblues #mentalhealth #wellbeing Jan 10, 2023

January can be a tough month. The magic of Christmas and the New Year is over, late evenings with friends and family have left you tired and you’re back in the office with a cold coffee you forgot about. The ‘January Blues’ are characterised by feelings of sadness, irritability...

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