Over two years ago, a large portion of Australian’s made the switch from working in an office to working from home. At the time there wasn’t a choice, with the pandemic forcing us to change the way we operated and worked. But now, with restrictions having eased, a new hybrid model of working from home and the office is quickly becoming the new normal.   

For some, working from home has meant hours of commuting were saved each week, reserving the newfound time to spend with family, exercising, starting new hobbies or doing those little jobs that would otherwise have been left for the weekend. Fewer distractions, new, healthy routines and better work life balance has been a large reason many continue to work from home. For others, it has meant finishing work later, working through lunch, not leaving the house, taking on more tasks, new distractions (hello kids, partners and pets), loss of collaboration, and adapting to a workspace that perhaps isn’t as effective as the office.   

Now that offices are back open, there is a lot to love about heading into work. Social interaction, collaboration, team catch ups and the busyness of the city is enticing a lot of people to start working back from the office, at least a few days a week. However, because the return to the office has been a little hesitant, many offices are adopting a 3:2 ratio, some even making it company policy. So, what we want to know is, what’s the perfect balance to give you the best of both worlds?   

We think the key is figuring out how to combine home and office work, in a way that maximises your productivity and wellbeing, both as a team and an individual. What parts of your job are best completed where? For example, tasks that require consolidation and collaboration, head into the office and perhaps plan with your co-workers to do the same in advanced.  For those solo tasks that require deep concentration, stay home.   

A recent review investigating virtual teams and collaboration found that interdependent work, such as preparing a team presentation, can be difficult to complete virtually. Close collaboration one on one can strengthen relationships, but requires good communication and mutual support. One way we can figure out where we are the most effective and efficient is to track your productivity in a way that works for you.    

This may be how many items on your to-do list you tick off at home vs at the office or more data like tracking words typed, emails responded to, time spent on tasks, mood and sense of accomplishment. Track it in a spreadsheet (this is a great template) over a few weeks or months and start finding patterns.   

Which tasks are you more efficient and effective in completing at home or at the office? How do face to face meetings impact your personal wellbeing, compared to virtual meetings? When are your most productive hours at home and at the office?   

With the transition back into the office, the potential to work from home is beneficial for many, as long as it is effective and productive. Figuring out what tasks to do at home, and which to leave for the office can help to increase our work output, so we can enjoy the down times and support our wellbeing.   




Morrison-Smith, S., & Ruiz, J. (2020). Challenges and barriers in virtual teams: a literature review. SN Applied Sciences, 2(6), 1-33.  

Kicheva, T. (2021). Opportunities and Challenges of Remote Work. Izvestiya. Journal of Varna University of Economics, 65(2), 145-160.